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Fictional Stories

Everyone has their own sexual fantasies and writing about them can often be an erotic experience. Reading adult literature is a guilty pleasure that you can enjoy on your own or with company.

Fiction lets the mind run wild, imagining that you are the character in the story which can be the catalyst for introducing a new activity to your own sex life.

Write your own fictional erotic story here and get your creative juices flowing.


Lost in the Desert

Fantasy of what could have been while deployed to Afghanistan

In the desert no one can hear you scream. It’s not because there’s no air, oh, there’s plenty of air, you can see it, shimmering up from every surface in waves. Not like the shimmer you see in the distance on a hot road, the illusion of a glassy puddle yo...


An island getaway for the rich.

SEXUAL FANTASY ISLAND. Almost there. Deidra could hardly believe it. This was costing them plenty,even for her standards. Seven hundred million per couple,500 million for singles. From what they'd heard, worth every penny. Any sexual fantasy was a reality...

Score 1 1
972 Views 972
391 words 391 words

Kat's Daydream

Ever since they'd met online she'd dreamed of this day 💋

Ever since we met online I've dreamed of this day. We'd finally meet and I'm doing my best not to disappoint him Surveying myself in the mirror iadjusy the short black cocktail dress that barely covered the silk stocking tops' and thong panties I'd picked...

Score 16 16
1.7k Views 1.7k
546 words 546 words

Photography with Cassy

A new Girlfriend wants to take some erotic photos and it soon turns into something else

Photography with Cassy Cassy walked into my bedroom and took my breath away. I had been busy preparing the tripod and camera to take the sexy and intimate photographs she had advertised for online, and so I had not seen her taking out her lingerie and dre...

Score 4 4
1.5k Views 1.5k
2.2k words 2.2k words

Couples Night

Another Friday night at the movies

It'd been a while since we'd been to our favorite adult theater. Friday nights are couples night. So I got dolled up from head to toe and we went. We went into the bookstore first, and browsed around, checking out the other couples and taking notice of wh...

Score 18 18
4.0k Views 4.0k
770 words 770 words

Friday at the movies

The stranger in the next seat

It was a Friday night in early October, it was a chilly night, but still I wore a very short skirt and of course no panties. We wondered around the store, looking at the different dildos and mini clit ticklers. I picked one out, it was the kind that you s...

Score 12 12
2.0k Views 2.0k
396 words 396 words

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This woman was walking out in the woods. She is wondering if her fantasy will ever come true. She thought as she walks how it would be grand to have seven that is usually a great number for it means perfections. She notices a spot by a tree with what appe...

Score 9 9
2.8k Views 2.8k
847 words 847 words

a couple out back by their pool, cooking nicely in the vast hot summer!!!!! Now ann. stands up and looks over the fence and catches a glimpse of me walking from my garage to my outside hot tub in my birth day suit, she calls her husband over they both get...

Score 7 7
5.0k Views 5.0k
798 words 798 words