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Gay Stories

Gay erotic stories explore the homosexual attraction between men. These include males who are gay, bisexual or those who have want to settle a long term curiosity.

Planned gay meets or spontaneous encounters; homosexual adventures can start in a variety of casual situations or even unexpectedly during an MMF threesome. Delve into the erotic gay tales and explore the testosterone attraction.

New to gay sex or experienced it before? Share your own behind closed doors confessions with other readers.

This happened just over two weeks ago I have been very very curious about male anal sex and to that end I have been popping things inside me for some time now .I kept asking guys in the chat rooms who have told me that they were bottom guys what the sensa...

Score 6 6
832 Views 832
1.1k words 1.1k words

Hi. My name is Bill land I have been bi for quite a few years and have caressed, wanked, and sucked quite a few cocks and have always been curious as to what losing my mansex virginity would be like. I have wanted to make love to a guy but had up until ju...

Score 3 3
593 Views 593
980 words 980 words

Need cock

For years I had needed cock

When I was younger one of my friends and I had messed arround a couple times. I was stroking his cock he reached arround and squeezed and fingered my ass. I had loved the feeling of his finger inside me this happened almost every time we were together. He...

Score 19 19
4.6k Views 4.6k
500 words 500 words