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Threesome Stories

A threesome is a sexual experience between three partners. Often a threesome can happen spontaneously or be planned ahead, crafted as an idea to fulfil a long-standing sexual fantasy. Most commonly the threesome will include a couple in a relationship and then also a friend or a chosen partner, who is into swinging and comfortable sharing the same bed.

For the couple, the inclusion of an extra partner can be a good idea if either one is looking to explore their sexual curiosities - if the female is happy having a male as her relationship partner but sexually interested in a female, it can be a great opportunity for her to have consented female sexual contact. The male may also have erotic experience from seeing his female partner being pleasured, or vice versa.

Some of the most popular interests in swinging are threesomes, which attracts stable couples looking to add that extra sexual dimension into the bedroom. Have you experienced a threesome or considering one? Express your thoughts by writing your own story.

fun fun fun

My first 3some

A little bedtime story for you!! good night! I started out dating women around my age group as a teenager. As I got older, for some strange and erotic reason, I became attracted to full size women. Especially, the granny types. I began to think fucking an...

Score 6 6
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823 words 823 words

It’s been a year and many fun filled nights since my wife, John, Kim, Rena, and me had our first night together. We’ve always played together and really enjoy it. Unfortunately my wife who has a relapsing illness has been unable to play for a couple of mo...

Score 7 7
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3.1k words 3.1k words

She did it!

My wife never surprises me!

I have fantasized about seeing my wife sexually interacting with another man for some time now, and I have expressed my interest to her many times. Well...... it finally happened! It was my birthday, we were out for dinner and a few drinks, and the place...

Score 22 22
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Friendly Massage or Body Worship?

I love giving and receiving a massages but had never experienced a three-way massage - until now.

I had a fellow masseuse (Anna) ask me to join her one evening. When I arrived, she was actively massaging a woman who was face down. She let the woman know that I was in the room and asked her if I could join them. The lady mumbled, "Sure..." "Susan, this...

Ok, here's one of my/our earliest MMF situations that turned out to be mind blowing... Dan and I were dating and, as I think I said, we MET swinging. So, me being naughty, I was still seeing a guy or two - and because we were still pretty casual, I didn't...

Score 23 23
2.7k Views 2.7k
951 words 951 words

Date Night

My wife never surprises me!

It was finally Saturday evening, and the plan was set. Brenda and I were going out by ourselves for the first time in a long time. The plan was to go out for a nice dinner, followed by a few drinks at a local, newly opened lounge a few miles away. Then we...

Score 17 17
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Fantasy Fulfilled

Not sure what to say.

Knowing that Brenda got a bit uncomfortable when the subject of fantasy came up (perhaps trying to suppress inner thoughts that she felt was a bit tantalizing); One night during a massage session I decided to ask her whether she was somewhat attracted to...

Score 8 8
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I finally talked him into it. I'm 33 years old. I've been with the same guy since I was 14. My taboo fantasy was to fuck a black guy. I have a great sex life, my husband wasn't the typical white guy. 9 inchs long and about 3+ thick it was great. That's no...

Ok all , continuing in our adventure. The next morning I asked my wife if she was ok with everything. She said, “yes”. I asked what she was thinking about? Her response surprised me. She answered, about the next time. Wow. Cool! We talked here and there....

Score 16 16
3.4k Views 3.4k
708 words 708 words

As I ended part one about two months ago after reconnecting with our friend things took a turn towards Hot. I was out working in my garage. Our friend stopped by as he had mentioned earlier that he was. I messaged my wife in the house to get cleaned up as...

Score 15 15
3.0k Views 3.0k
495 words 495 words

Oh wow where to begin. Ha. My wife and I have talked about bringing another guy in for some adult fun. Five years ago we were on a different swinger site. We found a local guy that seemed ok. Did a quick meeting one night outside behind a public convenien...

Score 13 13
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417 words 417 words